Emergency repairs are defined by Queensland Law, if you are unsure if your situation is defined as an emergency, please check our Maintenance Help Page. In an emergency repair situation, if you are unable to reach our office (e.g. outside hours) you may be able to arrange for emergency repairs to be carried out, up to the value of four weeks rent. In the event you need to contact an emergency trade supplier please email your property manager (PM) advising of the situation with photos. Our list of trade suppliers is below.
Sunshine Coast
PM | Emily Clarke | 07 5414 2413
Plumbing | Taylor Group Plumbing | 0425 335 969
Electrical | Excite Electrics | 0401 337 945
Property Manager Email Addresses:
Emily Clarke | emily@aspirehousinggroup.com
Please note : should you not be able to contact one of the suggested trade suppliers in an emergency situation, you may engage a suitably qualified tradesperson of choice, up to the value of four weeks rent.